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Policies and Disclaimers

Storage:  Customers will be notified by phone or email when work is done.  Payment and pickup is expected within 7 business days of notice.  Any gun not picked up within 30 days of notice will be charged $1.00 a day for storage.  Unclaimed guns after 90 days will be considered abandoned and sold without further notice for the existing charges for repair and storage. Storage fees and forced sales can be waived under dire circumstances if prior arrangements are made.


*All Federal and State laws will be followed.


Safety:  Please do not bring loaded firearms into the shop or on the property.  *Exception is if you have a permit to carry.  Please keep your firearm holstered at all times!  If you have a gun you can not unload, contact me before bringing in the gun.  Customers are not to disassembly, repair or do any kind of work on the premises. 


*Republic Firearms Company is not responsible for loss or damage caused by shipping carriers.


Special order firearms and accessories:  All orders are final.  Items originally included with the firearm from the manufacturer are not withheld or removed.  Damage claims are to be made with the manufacturer only.  Warranty service is provided by the manufacturer only. 

*Buyer is responsible for all warranty shipping charges. 


All orders require ½ down when ordered and ½ upon receipt.


Undisclosed or undiscovered damage or missing parts: RFC is not responsible for undisclosed or undiscovered damages of your firearm or missing parts as delivered. RFC will notify you upon discovery and give you the option of repairing these damages at your cost if repair is possible or replacing missing parts at your cost , if they are available.


Cutting and drilling:  While RFC is responsible for workmanship, RFC is not responsible for cracking, chipping, splitting to the material or the material finish, either hidden or not, due to the quality of the material. Every effort is made to avoid these problems. RFC will try to repair damage that results from cutting or drilling of the defective material, at your expense, but does not guarantee that the results will be like new.


Damage or loss of firearm caused by RFC or while in RFC’s possession: RFC will repair, replace, or reimburse at our discretion and at our expense. This does not include damage caused by shipping carriers. This does not include damage beyond our control.


FFL Transfers:  If you are denied possession by the ATF, FBI, or the State of Minnesota, return shipping costs, packaging, and service fees for the firearm are your financial responsibility.  The FBI may approve, delay, or deny your background check, please plan accordingly.


***Transfer of the gun to another individual is not allowed per Federal Law.  


***Any firearm shipped to RFC without our knowledge will be returned at your expense.  


*A $35 transfer fee must be paid regardless of your acceptance of the gun and whether or not you are denied or approved by the authorities. Any problems, damages, wrong items, shortages, inspection period, condition issues are between you and the seller or his shipping carrier. All issues must be settled by you after you take delivery and at your residence, not at RFC.  


***We do not guarantee we will be available at all times to sign for a delivery or at all times for you to pick up your delivery.


Turn around time:  Time estimates are RFC’s best guess, but are not guarantees of completion. Every effort will be made to complete jobs on time. There will be no charge if you pick up your gun prior to work beginning. Once work begins, time and material charges apply.


Repair Service: Estimates are no guarantee of final costs; actual costs may exceed original estimate.


***Please note that the cost of repair work is strictly based on time and materials required. It is not related to  the cost of the gun and can exceed the value of the gun.


RFC does not guarantee that every gun can be repaired or that parts are available. All work is performed to the best of my ability to return the gun to original safe operation. However, the original quality of materials and the design of the gun play a large role in it's repairability. The ultimate goal is safety. 


Returned Check Fees:  $30.00 plus all bank fees.



RFC reserves the right to decline any service for valid reason.

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